My two biggest Mom fears: SIDS and Baby Flat Head.
I haven't had a new baby in 13 years. Now as a second time Mom, there are dangers that I have forgotten about, that now I can not stop worrying and stressing over. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and Baby Flat Head Syndrome. I feel these Syndromes go hand in hand, as with SIDS a major prevention is to have your baby sleep on their back. The American Academy Of Pediatrics had launched the campaign to have babies sleep on their backs in 1994, which have cut the rate of SIDS down by 50%, but with that though, Baby Flat Head Syndrome has increased. Which I hear is harmless, but I do not want my son, to go through that.
What is SIDS and Baby Flat Head Syndrome:
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)- Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), also known as cot death or crib death, is the sudden unexplained death of a child less than one year of age. Diagnosis requires that the death remains unexplained even after a thorough autopsy and detailed death scene investigation. SIDS usually occurs during sleep. Typically death occurs between the hours of 00:00 and 09:00. There is usually no evidence of struggle and no noise produced. The exact cause of SIDS is unknown.
Prevention- A number of measures have been found to be effective in preventing SIDS including changing the sleeping position, breastfeeding, limiting soft bedding, immunizing the infant and using pacifiers. The use of electronic monitors has not been found to be useful as a preventative strategy. The effect that fans might have on the risk of SIDS has not been studied well enough to make any recommendation about them. Evidence regarding swaddling is unclear regarding SIDS. A 2016 review found tentative evidence that swaddling increases risk of SIDS, especially among babies placed on their stomachs or side while sleeping.
Plagiocephaly (Baby Flat Head Syndrome)- Plagiocephaly is a condition that causes a baby's head to have a flat spot (flat head syndrome) or be misshapen. The most common form is positional Plagiocephaly. ... Positional Plagiocephaly typically develops after birth when babies spend time in a position that puts pressure on one part of the skull.
Treatment- If a doctor determines that your baby has positional plagiocephaly, his recommendations will depend on your baby's age and the severity of the condition.
Treatment- If a doctor determines that your baby has positional Plagiocephaly, his recommendations will depend on your baby's age and the severity of the condition. head round out. In severe cases, cranial orthotic therapy (using a helmet to change the shape of the head) may be required.
Now with the definitions laid out, and the recommended preventions and treatment I've been following, I still have the fear that I am doing something wrong and this will happen. The prevention methods I am taking for SIDS is, Jameson sleeping on his back, sleeping in his bassinet in our room , and using a pacifier (when he will take it at night after feedings). To prevent Flat Head Syndrome, I am doing tummy time twice a day so far because he hates it LOL. I also purchased a Babymoov Lovenest Pillow which is to prevent and treat Baby Flat Head Syndrome. As a new second time Mom I think I am being to anal, because I haven't had a baby in 13 years, I am basically starting over again and am a first time Mom. The below are some pictures I have taken of preventions I am doing.
Plagiocephaly (Baby Flat Heat Syndrome-
Babymoov Lovenest Pillow-
Wubbanub Pacifier-